Frequently asked Questions
Wondering how our service works ?
Dive into our FAQs for more details
Are your therapists licensed?
All of our therapists are licensed. We have therapists that are highly skilled and portray the FadiSab persona we are known for.
Is there parking?
Yes, we have plenty of parking.
Do you use ultrasound or hot packs?
Ultrasound and hot packs are thermal agents that increase inflammation. While they may temporarily decrease pain they can ultimately weaken connective tissue, which increases risk of re-injury. We use microcurrent and S.T.E.P. exercises to increase circulation and decrease pain
How can a physical therapist help you?
Patients can benefit from physical therapy for a variety of different reasons ranging from sports injuries to lower back pain, arthritis, vertigo and post stroke. They can treat patients who are recovering from fractures, joint replacements, amputations, or burns. There are PTs who specialize in pediatrics, geriatrics, orthopedics, or women’s health.
How many times will I need to come in?
After your evaluation, you and your therapist will determine the number of times you will need to be seen. The extent and seriousness of your injury will be a primary consideration for determining the amount of treatment you will need. On average, we see clients 1-2 times a week for 4-8 weeks.
How much will Physical Therapy cost?
After your evaluation, you and your therapist will determine the number of times you will need to be seen. The extent and seriousness of your injury will be a primary consideration for determining the amount of treatment you will need. On average, we see clients 1-2 times a week for 4-8 weeks
What is physical therapy?
Physical therapy (PT) helps people recover from surgery, an accident or injury. PT also helps when a person’s body is not functioning at what is considered normal for them—perhaps they had a heart attack, stroke or fall; or are dealing with a neurological disease; or even facing aging and incontinence. Physical therapy helps when the body is changing in a way that is affecting function and quality of life. A physical therapist evaluates a person from the standpoint of their mobility, balance and strength. What are they having difficulty doing? What do they want to get back to doing? The basic premise of physical therapy is that you’re looking at the person’s physical dysfunction and determining the steps to take to improve the person’s physical condition.
Who can refer to a physical therapist?
Medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, acupuncturists and osteopathic doctors can refer you for physical therapy. Due to our special training you can also refer yourself without a doctor’s prescription.
What should I wear to my appointment?
Wear loose, comfortable clothing. If you have a low back or knee injury, bring a pair of shorts or sweatpants.